Pastor Michael Miano visited Southwest Florida (SWFL) the first week of December 2019. Below are links to resources and lectures from that trip.

The Founder’s Conference was based on The Law & the Gospel. All of the presentations were recorded and are available to view at the following link,

In the very near future, we may publicly and corporately view and discuss the film, “By What Standard…”, at The Blue Point Bible Church.

Also, Pastor Miano offered the following link to explain some of non-recorded studies he offered in both Fort Myers and Arcadia. Here is the link to that presentation,

Lastly, here are two live recorded presentations. The first is the recorded sermon Pastor Miano preached at Hickory Street Church of Christ. The second is the evening study session Pastor Miano led at Hickory Street Church of Christ.


P.S. – You can also find the written sermon that was preached, “Christ In Us”, at the following link,


All things for the edificiation of the Church (cf. 1 Cor. 14:26).


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