Blessings in Christ,
I trust each of you had a prayer-filled week and moments to life up the “sacrifice of praise” (cf. Hebrews 13:15-16. Also, I hope this week afforded each of you ample opportunity to think through your testimony, especially as we were encouraged by brother Edward Howell shared his this past Sunday.

Tonight, Nov. 22, is our Operation Christmas Child “Annual Packing Party”. I look forward to seeing most of you tonight at 7:30pm excited to have fun, fellowship, and serve our God through serving others.

Tomorrow, Sat., 11/23 we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study.

On Monday, 11/25, there will be an Operation Christmas Child Celebration Event at Church on the Sound at 7:30pm. All are encouraged to attend to worship God and hear announcements about the shoebox totals for Suffolk County.

Also, please mark your calendars as consider joining some from BPBC and others for our Post-Thanksgiving Hike in the Harriman State Park, next Saturday, November 30th. Details are attached.

This past week, due to a time allowance shortage, I only produced one podcast of L.I.FE. w/MGW on Power Preterism Radio. Here is the link to that podcast,


I look forward to seeing most of you later tonight, and for those who cannot make it, prayerfully we will fellowship at some point this weekend.
To God be the glory, through Christ, His Son,
Pastor Michael Miano


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