Blessings in the Lord Jesus,

Prayerfully, each of you had a week that offered ample opportunity to lift up praise. Please keep Sandy and Deacon Brian in prayer, as well as their family and loved ones, especially as they mourn her nephew’s transition from earthly life to be ever with the Lord. May the Lord provide peace and comfort.
I would like to share a few announcements and resources.

Tomorrow, 11/16 – we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am.

Sunday, 11/17, along with collecting our Missionary Offering, we will also have a meeting after our worship service regarding our hosting a 2020 Bible Conference. Please consider staying after and sharing your thoughts.

Later today I will be putting together and posting our “Needs List” for Operation Christmas Child. Please coordinate with me through email, text, or phone what you might purchase. Our OCC “Packing Party” is scheduled for Friday, 11/22, at 7:30pm. Along with the attached graphic, here is a link to the Facebook event,


This past week I produce 2 podcasts of L.I.F.E. w/MGW, however no episode of Chronicles Of Josephus. Here are the links for this weeks show;

Also, I published a blog examining verses I mentioned in this past week’s sermon on not compromising. You can find and prayerfully use that examination by visiting the following link,


I look forward to praying and praising God, along with fellowshipping with you all, this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. Tell a friend or family member to join us at 10:30am on Sunday morning for our Worship Service. May God be glorified.

By His ever-renewing grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano



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