Blessings in Christ,

I hope and pray that this week was a productive week, and in the midst of your productivity, you found time to praise God for who He is and all that He has provided pertaining to life and Godliness. We are truly rich in Christ. I mentioned a public praise for Ward Fenley’s sermon, Riches and Wealth in the Book of Ephesians, this week. You can listen to that sermon on YouTube at the following link:

A few announcements and resources to inform and edify you.

Tomorrow, Saturday, 11/9 – Men’s Breakfast at the Blue Point Diner at 7am.

Tomorrow, 11/9 – Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am

Sunday, 11/10 we will decide on a location and go out for our Church Luncheon following our Worship Service.

Also, preparation has begun for Operation Christmas Child. Lists of needs will be available at Worship Service this coming Sunday. Our “Annual Packing Party” is scheduled for Friday, 11/22 at 7:30pm. Along with our attached graphic, you can also see the Facebook invite at the following link,

Lastly, this week I produced 2 podcasts (one L.I.F.E. w/MGW and one Chronicles of Josephus) through Power Preterism Radio. Below are the links for you to access and listen to those podcasts:


I look forward to fellowshipping with many of you at the various opportunities we have provided throughout this weekend.
By His grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano


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