Blessing in Christ,

I trust each of you had a blessed week, offered candy to children, and found ways to rest and seek His wisdom. I have a few resources and announcements to share.

I have continued publishing podcasts through Power Preterism Radio. I hope you have been listening along, however if you missed this week’s podcasts (Thursday there was no podcast), here are the links:

I am also looking to publish a blog on local politics and soon enough, share some thoughts from our recent study of The Universal Christ. Keep an eye out for them through

As for announcements. Of importance is reminding you that at 2am clocks are to be turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 3, 2019, 1:00:00 am local standard time instead. Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 3, 2019 than the day before.

Also, tomorrow is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, so you will be hearing a little bit about that and of course have ample opportunity to life up prayers. We will have our November 2019 “Monthly Calendar” available.

I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you tomorrow. We will participate in the Lord’s Supper and collect our Benevolent Offering.
In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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