Blessings in and through Christ, our Lord,

I trust that each of you have had a praiseworthy week. As many of you already know, Deacon Ed is leading a few of us an a mini-expedition over and through Mt. Katahdin this weekend into next week. Pastor Steve will be preaching this upcoming Sunday, I trust each of you are excited to be edified by him, and ultimately by Him.

Tomorrow, 10/4, our Saturday Morning Bible study is canceled.

Also, you can find out more about the month of October at The Blue Point Bible Church by clicking on the following link which will take you to our October 2019 “Monthly Calendar”,

A few resources for the week would be the podcasts of L.I.F.E. with MGW (no Chronicles of Josephus this week). Here are the links:


I look forward to fellowshipping and sharing all about the hike in Maine upon my return next week. We are due to be back on Wednesday afternoon/evening.

In Service to the Most High God,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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