Blessings in Christ,

It is my earnest hope that each of you had a blessed week and more specifically a blessed morning prayer. It was Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who said, “The entire day receives order and discipline when it acquires unity. This unity must be sought and found in morning prayer. The morning prayer determines the day”.

Tomorrow’s Saturday Bible study, 9/28, is canceled.

All those who serve on the Leadership Committee at BPBC (Deacons, Elders, Pastors) are requested to attend the Leadership Committee meeting at 8am tomorrow morning, 9/28 at The Blue Point Bible Church. Bagels, coffee, and tea will be available.

Also, tomorrow, 9/28, after Deacon Brian and Sandy are having a get together at their house. They will be having food catered and many of us have signed up to be there at 1pm. For any lapse in information, feel free to call me and ask – (239) 603 – 5695.

Also, this Sunday, 9/29, we will have our 5th Sunday Potluck following our Worship Service.


Here are a few resources for your edification that I produced this week:

Tuesdays podcast of L.I.F.E. with MGW –

Wednesdays podcast of Chronicles w/ Josephus –

Instead of a podcast for Thursday, I encouraged everyone to participate in “Throwback Thursdays” by either studying about the “Historical Method” or watching my video teaching on “Salvation Now, Last Days Past” that I preached at Preterist Pilgrim Weekend 2019. Here is the link,

Review sheet and video for our Beyond Creation Science Study, chapters 10-12 at the following link,


I look forward to seeing most of you this week. We have ample time for fellowship and I trust we will all be blessed through and through.
In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

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