Blessings in Christ,

It is my hope and prayer that each of you had a restful and insightful Labor Day and a fruitful week. Of course I hope each of you exercised the “spiritually discerned” wisdom shared this past Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church regarding finding reasons to celebrate every day for the glory of our mighty and gracious God.

I have a few resources and announcements to share and then I will detail our weekly corporate praises and prayers.
I mentioned a preacher named Chuck Baldwin to a few of you, namely his recent declaring that his sermon on “The Destruction of Jerusalem” being one of the most important sermons he ever preached. You can watch and listen to that sermon at the following link,

Also, we have continued going through Beyond Creation Science in our Wednesday night studies and have currently completed chapter 10. I have yet to upload the outline and video for chapters 9-10, however, they will be up next week. We will cancel this upcoming weeks study, 9/11, and will have a night of review on Wed., 9/18. Here is a listing of each outline and video for your edification:

PT. 1 –
PT. 2 –
PT. 3 –
PT. 4 –
PT. 5 –
PT. 6 –

Tomorrow, 9/7, we will continue our Non-Conformity Committee examination of Romans 12:1-2 in our Saturday Morning Bible Study. Consider joining us at 9am.

Sunday, 9/8, we will be going out for our Church Luncheon following our Worship Service. The location of the church luncheon is to be determined.

Lastly, please continue to share details and invite others to National Back to Church Sunday, 9/15. Here is a link to the Facebook invite (can be viewed by anyone regardless to whether they have Facebook or not),

I look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with as many of you as the Lord sees fit to bring to our studies and services this weekend.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


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