Blessings in Christ,

I sure hope that each of you are enjoying this beautiful Labor Day weekend in a manner that you find satisfying and of course, glorifying to God. Today, August 31st, is also noted as International Overdose Awareness Day. For more information and resources, visit –

Many of you have been privy to me talking about a discussion I have been having with another ministry leader regarding Preterism. One of the issues brought up in that discussion was the syllogism between Mathew chapter 24, 1 Thessalonians 4, and 1 Corinthians 15. I had found this link earlier in the week and wanted to share it with you for your further edification. Here is the link,

Also, I compiled another video and study guide our going through Beyond Creation Science in our Wednesday Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study. This is Part 6 (going through chapters 7-8 of the book). Here is the link for that outline and video,

Some announcements are as follows;

There will not be a Sunday evening session of Sacred Marriage this week (9/1).

There will not be a session of CHOICES on Monday, 9/2 (Labor Day)

The Facebook invite (that you can view and share the link and graphic of, even if you do not have Facebook) is now being promoted for National Back to Church Sunday, September 15th. You can view it at the following link (also, see attached graphic),


I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you tomorrow. Sorry this update was so delated this week. Tomorrow, September 2019 “Monthly Calendar” will be available at our Worship Service.

By His grace and mercy,
Pastor Michael Miano




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