Blessings in Christ,

I truly hope that as we have enjoyed beautiful weather lately, that this is provided you ample opportunity to praise God for all the beauty He has provided us – outwardly observed and inwardly known. All glory to God!

Tomorrow, 8/17, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. We are moving into a new reading to further our exploration of Romans 12:1-2 in what we are calling our “Non-Conformity Committee”.

Following our Worship Service this Sunday we will have a Planning & Marketing, as well as Outreach, Committee meeting. We have some stuff to review regarding upcoming events (International Overdose Awareness Day, National Back to Church Sunday) and details regarding Saturate & The Attic. Please consider staying after for a bit to talk through some of these things, especially If you serve on one of the committees.

Also, this coming Sunday evening, 8/18, we will begin our Sacred Marriage course. This will be at 6pm for the following 5 weeks (8/25; 9/1; 9/8; 9/15; 9/22). I know some of you have signed up already and we still have room. Please let me know if you have not signed up and would like to join us.



Lastly, mark your calendars. We will have our bi-monthly BPBC Worship Night this coming Friday, 8/23 at 7pm.

By His Grace,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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