Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you are having a blessed week, staying cool amidst the heat. Thank God for both water we drink physically, and of course, the Water of Life we drink Spiritually. Stay refreshed in both regards.

A few announcements and resources for this week.

Many of you may have been tuned in this past Wednesday, 7/17, wherein I was supposed to debate Dr. Michael Brown on eschatology, yet had some technical problems. That debate is currently being rescheduled, hopefully for a time next week.

Tomorrow’s, 7/20, Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled, as well as the Saturate Gather & Go that was scheduled for the afternoon. There is a heat warning in effect, stay please drink water and stay cool. Keep an eye out for an email with a video message about the Water of Life which I will be sending out tomorrow.

This Sunday, 7/21, we will have our Missionary Offering and also an All Committee Meeting after our Worship Service. If you serve in some capacity, are part of a committee, or want to serve, please consider staying after.

I have put together a sort of review regarding last week’s Preterist Pilgrim Weekend in Ardmore, Oklahoma. I share some notes, pictures, and links to the videos. Visit the following link,


I look forward to fellowshipping this coming Sunday. May God continue to be glorified through our conversation, our affection, our fellowship, and our mission.

Blessings in and through His Holy Name,
Pastor Mike Miano

By admin

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