In part 1 of this study through the Book of Hosea, we detailed chapters 1-12. Here is a link to that 1st installment,

In this 2nd installment, we will finish the study and I will share notes we concluded in our Adult Sunday School study at The Blue Point Bible Church. One major focus of our conclusion was to take note of how important and insightful it is to read through the prophetic book understanding the historic and Messianic themes found throughout the text.

Chapter 13

  1. 1 – Ephraim/ Northern tribes wandered into idol worship and died. Understanding this “covenant death” is important as we seek to understand what the prophet Hosea hoped for (resurrection from that covenant death).

    v. 2 – cf. Proverbs 3:5 (see also, Hosea 14:2 which correlates with the text)

  2. 4, 9 –10 – Second Exodus and Messianic motif (also brings us back to 1 Samuel 8, wherein they rejected the Lord as King).
  3. 13 – “travailing woman” language reminds us of war, tumult, and tribulation (covenantal judgement)
  4. 14 – ransom from the grave and redemption from death (Messianic hope); Hosea 13:14 is quoted by the Apostle Paul in his defense of the resurrection of the dead ones in 1 Corinthians 15:54-55. A promise to the faithful remnant.


Chapter 14

  1. 2 – quoted in Hebrews 13:15 in talking about the true worship and sacrifice the Lord desires, also Psalm 69:30-31.

“Who is wise, and shall understand these things? Prudent, and he shall know them? For the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them; but the transgressors shall fall therein (Hosea 14:9)”.


  • The question we asked and surveyed the room with at the conclusion of this study is, what did Hosea’s prophecy speak about and prophesy toward? The sin of idolatry and the covenant death it creates, and how God is the Savior, who through Jesus Christ fulfilled the hopes of Hosea. Cf. 1 Peter 1:10-12

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