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Numbers, or Bamidibar meaning “in the wilderness”

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on “parallels between Exodus & Leviticus
Exodus 3:21/ Numbers 10:11; Exodus 14/ Num. 21:21-35;
Ex. 15:1-18/ Num. 21:14-15; Ex. 15:23-24/Num. 11:1;
Exodus 16/Num. 11:4-35; Ex. 17:1-7/Num. 20:2-13;
Ex. 17:8-16/Num. 14:45; Ex. 18:1-12/Num. 10:29-32;
Ex. 18:14-26/Num. 11:16-17; Ex. 32:1-8/Num. 14:1 25:1-3;
Ex. 32:11-13/Num. 14:13-19; Ex. 32:34/ Num. 14:26 – 35 25:4 ;
Ex. 32:35/ Num. 14:37 25:8-9; Ex. 23:12-17/ Num. 28-29;
Ex. 32:26-29/Num. 16:36-50; 25:7-13;  Ex. 30:11-16/Num 1-4 26

3 ‘exoduses’:
1st Exodus – Exodus to Deuteronomy
2nd Exodus – Luke 9:31 – Jesus death, burial, & resurrection
Personal Exodus – Gal. 2:20; Col. 1:27 – His work in and through us

Rabbi Sacks “Seven Exegetical Principles”
1.) Journey from, Journey to
2. ) Technical and adaptive challenges
3. ) Time as a factor in overcoming the fear of freedom
4.) Rites of Passage and Liminal Space
5.) Order and Freedom
6.) Narrative and Law
7.) Anti-heroic narrative – polemic against myth

Verses mentioned: Ex. 33; Rom. 12:2; 1 Cor. 15:31; 2 Peter 1;




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