Blessings in Christ Jesus.

I sincerely hope each of you had a blessed and prosperous week for the glory of our Lord. The last couple days have been rainy, and that always reminds me of God’s abundantly supplying our every need.

I have a couple of resources I would like to share for your edification before I share some announcements for the rest of the week.

I have compiled my notes and the videos from the Christ and The Kingdom Conference that happened last week in Temecula, California. Here is a link to access that resource,

Also, we are coming to a close in our study through the book of Hosea in our Adult Sunday School. I had promised to type up a sort of review of the various things we talked about and marked out in our study over the last couple of months. We will complete our review and study this Sunday, 6/23. Here is a link (that is available on the church website) to that resource,


Here are some announcements for the days ahead:

Tomorrow, Saturday, 6/22, we will begin our “Non-Conformity Committee”, a study on Romans 12:1-2 in our Saturday Bible Study at 9am.

On Sunday, 6/23, following our Worship Service we will have a Saturate LI Meeting in the Fellowship Room. The goal is to begin forming “saturation squads” to pack and distribute evangelism bags to our community and to be organized in our effort.

Also, Friday, 6/28 is our scheduled Semi-Annual Meeting. Please mark this down and be in attendance, members especially, but all are welcome. The meeting will start promptly at 7pm.


I look forward to seeing most, if not all of you, this weekend – either at study or service.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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