Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, you have already begun to appreciate, utilize, and maximize this last day of May. May God go before us and providentially prepare blessings into our day. And of course, may we with fruitful lips continue to praise Him. A few resources and announcements to share and then I will detail our corporate praises and prayers as of last Sunday.

Two resources that we will be using in our studies this weekend can be found at the links below.

Tomorrow, Saturday, June 1st – we will have our Bible study at 9am and we will be doing a review through the “Last Days” w/ Dr. Bell –

Sunday, June 2nd – in our Adult Sunday School we will continue our review of the What’s Next Bible Conference we recently had. Here is a resource for that review,

Many of you know that I (Pastor Mike) have begun preparing to speak at the upcoming California conference, Christ & The Kingdom Through Psalms & Proverbs. You will find an attached promotion for that conference. Details on livestreaming will be available soon.

Also, June 2019 list of dates will be given out in the bulletins at Worship Service.

I look forward to a studious and God-glorifying weekend. See you all soon.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


Image may contain: 6 people, including Kari Birks, Ward Fenley, Michael Miano and Todd Williams, people smiling

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