Bible verses mentioned: Luke 8:7, 14; Romans 12:1-2; 1
Thessalonians 5:21; Matthew 11:28-30; Luke 10

Pattern of the world = allusion of busyness, ego-driven, prideful
Transformed by the renewing of our mind = Gospel effect

“Am I trying to do good or to make myself look good?” – Kevin DeYoung
“Killer P’s = effects of pride


“One of the differences between futility and fulfillment for us is the
loss  of meaningful rhythms in our lives.”



“Until we know what we won’t do, we won’t actually do the things
we say we should do”



Spiritual Check Up
What biblical promises am I not believing?
What divine commands am I ignoring that I should obey?
What self- imposed commands am I obeying that I should ignore?




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