Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed and productive week as we move into the month of May. We surely have a lot going on this month. Praise God, we had a blessed National Day of Prayer yesterday at The Blue Point Bible Church.

Here are a couple of pertinent announcements for this week.

Tomorrow, 5/4 – Saturday mornings Bible study is canceled.

Also, I hope most of you have marked your calendars and are planning to join me tomorrow night, Saturday, 5/4 at 7pm at Church of the Intercessor in Malverne, New York for the debate I will be participating in with Sam Frost. Please see attached graphic.

Sunday, 5/5, we will have a Planning & Marketing Committee following our Worship Service.

I have not heard from anyone concerning the trip to NYC on Monday, 5/6, to go see New Testament scholar N.T. Wright at Central Presbyterian Church (7:30pm -9pm). Please see the following link for more details,


I look forward to seeing you all at some point this weekend.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

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