Blessings in Christ,

I trust your week has been blessed and prayerfully each of you had opportunity to set apart some time to truly thinking through the glories we celebrate this week. Last Sunday we celebrated the Messianic entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem, and today being “Good Friday”, the day many have set aside to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and this Sunday we celebrate His victory over death and all that provides to us (otherwise known as “Resurrection Sunday”).

Please keep in mind that this Sunday, Resurrection Sunday – April 21st, we will have breakfast and an exhortation at 9am and worship service at 10:30am. This is a perfect Sunday to invite friends and family to join us. Also, those who join us will receive a gift from that church (including candy and gifts for the kids).

A couple of other announcements and resources before I share our weekly corporate praises and prayers.

We will have our Saturday Bible Study tomorrow, 4/20 at 9am. We will continue watching through Dr. William Bell’s “Last Days” series.

Tomorrow evening, 4/20 I will publish two resources for your edification. One will be a review and outline of this past Wednesdays study session through the book, Beyond Creation Science. The other will be a blog reviewing a recent social media interaction regarding the Church, the Body of Christ and the “deposit of His presence and life”.

Please remember we will start doing our c3 (Culture Changing Convo’s) on the 1st and the 4th Sunday of each month at 6pm. You surely want to join us for these informative, intimate, and sometimes challenging discussion groups.


I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday, as I know and understand many of you have other things happening this weekend. For those who join us this weekend, I trust you will be blessed and edified. For those who cannot, know that you are in our praises, thoughts, and prayers.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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