Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed week and you find personal enrichment and satisfaction within the faithfully fulfilled hope we have in our Lord. Surely the next coming weeks will afford opportunity for you to grow in your understanding and experience of Spiritual things.

I do have a few resources and announcements to share.

Earlier this week I sent out an update for our Planning & Marketing and Saturate Committee. You can find that update at the following link,

This past Wednesday, we entered into study and discussion of Chapter 2 of Beyond Creation Science. You can watch the review video and gain access to our study outline at the following link,

Also, Dr. Preston and Dr. Bell participated in a online debate against two other preachers this week. You can watch the video clips of that debate at the following link,


The next two Sundays on our calendars are special Sundays. Tomorrow, 4/14 is Palm Sunday. Join us as we celebrate King Jesus through a thought-provoking and God-worshipping service. Also palms will be given out. The Following Sunday, 4/21 is Easter or what we refer to as Resurrection Sunday. We will have a fellowship breakfast and exhortation at 9am, followed by our worship service at 10:30am. Small gifts will be given to all, adults and children, that gather with us.


Most, if not all, of you are aware I am preparing for my debate with Sam Frost on Saturday, May 4th. I had previously debated Sam in 2013 and will post the link to that debate for your review below. Also, on Sunday, April 28th, at 6pm (instead of our evening service). I will host a debate prep night wherein I will share some of my thoughts regarding the past and upcoming debates, bring up points to ponder, and offer a time of Q&A. Here is the link to my 2013 debate with him,


I look forward to seeing and fellowshipping with most of you this weekend.

In His Service,
Pastor Mike Miano


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