Blessings in Christ,

We have surely had a great time of fellowship and study lately at The Blue Point Bible
Church, however we should always have our “committee work” in our minds as well. The various committees we have organized handle various aspects of ministry found in and through our congregation. Thank you to each of you who serve in some capacity.

This memo is regarding our Saturation Committee (Saturate Long Island) and the Planning & Marketing Committee.



– This past Sunday I put together 10 bags of materials to be distributed person-to-person. Each bag a small invite with our #AThinkingFaith logo and details about our upcoming Palm Sunday celebration (4/14) and our Resurrection Sunday breakfast and worship service. Also, the Jesus DVD, a booklet about the Church that states “You Belong Here” and our church stamp was put on the back, as well as the small evangelistic booklet, Do You Know Him? I also encouraged each person who took a bag to be a personal touch on it by putting something personally valuable (maybe a book, a giftcard, or a knick-knack) in the bag.

– I will be working up a Pastoral Letter and a flier that utilizes and mentions many of the details we marked out at our last committee meeting in February 2019, which will also be placed in the bags. Also, we have flashlights and church stickers to be included, as well as a “response card”.

– We will have a Saturate Bag Packing Party & Strategy Session after our worship service on Sunday, April 28th.



  • As mentioned above, each of the Saturate bags contained an invite to our Palm Sunday celebration and Resurrection Sunday breakfast and worship service. We will have small gifts and candy for children and a gift for all who attend on Resurrection Sunday. Also, I will be working on putting together “Welcome Bags” for all who visit.


  • Details regarding our upcoming events will be posted on our website and will be submitted to various newsletters and marketing sources this week.
  • Sunday, 4/14 – Palm Sunday Celebration
  • Sunday, 4/21 – Resurrection Sunday Breakfast and Worship Service
  • Monday, 4/22 – Celebrating the Earth Through Passover Event
  • Thursday, May 2nd – National Day of Prayer
  • Sunday, May 12th – Mother’s Day
  • – Sun., May 17th – 19th – What’s Next? BPBC’s Annual Bible Conference
  • Saturday, May 18th – Great Brookhaven Cleanup


  • I am planning to connect with Pastor Steve and Olivia regarding our ad at Pete’s luncheonette and will share the notes I took back in February, as well as learn their developments.


  • I do apologize on the delay in ordering some banners and other exterior marketing. The goal is to have some things ordered and set up by our conference in May.


Please let me know anything you might have to add to these details and/or feedback.

Thanks for your service to our church. To God be the glory.

By His grace,
Pastor Michael Miano


By admin

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