Blessings in Christ,

I sincerely hope each of you had a blessed week, opportunity to see the power of the blood of Christ over and in your life, and exalting Him for all that He has provided.

To provide some edification for your week, I’d like to provide a few resources and announcements.

Some of you are aware of the book I was recently reading and the review I provided. The book titled, Christianity and the Social Crisis of the 21st century. Here is my provided review (which is based quoted excerpts from the book),

Also, as promised, I have provided our Wednesday Night Study outline and a review video, regarding our study through Beyond Creation Science. Here is the link of the outline and the provided YouTube link,


3/29 – Tomorrow, Friday, March 29th, we will have our BPBC Historical Society meeting at 6:30pm. This will be time of review and reading and discussion through historic documents of The Blue Point Bible Church.

3/30 – We will have a special study and reading through Deuteronomy chapters 31-30, the Song of Moses, on Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am.

3/31 – Following our Worship Services we will have our 5th Sunday Potluck and during that potluck, Pastor Mike will bring us through Saturation Committee and Planning/Marketing Committee details.


I look forward to seeing some of you this weekend.

Through and By His Righteousness,
Pastor Michael Miano

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