Blessings in Christ,

It is my sincere hope that each of you have opportunity to examine yourselves this week and to truly see what qualities you possess in fulness and those you could surely increase in as made known through 2 Peter 2 chapter 1. We welcomed the season of Spring this week and I know I am not alone in thinking that the change of season offers us great opportunity to examine ourselves.

Here are a few announcements and resources for this week:

I did publish 2 L.I.F.E. Broadcasts this week which, if you did not listen on Facebook LIVE, you can view and listen to on YouTube at the following links”

(Unfortunately, there seems to be an audio issue with the second link).

Also, we began our study into Beyond Creation Science this week during our Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study. You can review both an outline for that study and a video review at the following link,

Many of you may have noticed on social media, however many of you may have not. They have begun to spread the word regarding my upcoming debate with Mr. Sam Frost. You can review the poster for the debate and details as attached to this email – Saturday, May 4th, 2019 at 7pm – Church of the Intercessor – Malverne, New York.

Also, plans and details regarding our upcoming Bible Conference – May 17-19th, 2019 at The Blue Point Bible Church are still being put together. Promotional and vital information can be found at the following link,

We will have our Bible study tomorrow, 3/23, however the study will begin immediately at 9am and will end by 10am. We will watch a short portion of William Bell’s study on The Last Days.

*** Reminder – this coming Sunday, 3/24, is the Bayport-Blue Point St. Patrick’s Day parade. Travel will be impeded and the best route is to come up North Ocean ave. and take the backroads into Blue Point. Please call or email me for best travel information if need be.

We will not be having our after service meetings, however, at 6pm we will have our bi-monthly BPBC Game Night. Prayerfully, many of you will consider joining us for fun, snacks, and fellowship.


I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano



Image may contain: Michael Miano and Sam Frost

By admin

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