Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed and triumphant week living with confident assurance of life in Christ Jesus. A truly abundant life!

Here are a few midweek announcements.

I do trust that each of you have had time to tune in to and be edified by L.I.F.E. Broadcasts which have been aired live on Facebook Live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30am (well they are scheduled to be, this week there were a few delays – sorry about that). You can also check them out on YouTube. Here are the links for this weeks broadcasts:

Also, we canceled our Wednesday night study, and I planned to write up a final review on TJ Smith’s book, Kingdom Come (which we were reviewing). I will have that posted by Saturday morning for your review and edification. In the meantime, you can read the review I had written a while back at the following link,

We will have our Saturday Bible Study on 3/16 (contrary to what the Monthly Calendar says). Please consider joining us at 9am as we continue going through William Bell’s Last Days video series.

Also, please make note and hopefully decide to join us for our upcoming book study to be held on Wednesday nights at 7pm starting March 20th. We will be going through an outline study on Beyond Creation Science and the concept of “Covenant Creation”. If you want to understanding Biblical beginnings (and “the end”), the healthy merging of theology, history, and science, and how the Biblical narrative of God’s Kingdom is revealed from Genesis to Revelation – YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS STUDY! (Please see attached graphic).

This coming Sunday, 3/17, is St. Patrick’s Day. Following our Worship Service we will have portions of Corned Beef and Cabbage available for those gathering with us.

I look forward to fellowshipping, worshiping, and studying with each of you at some point this weekend.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


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