Blessings in Christ,

I truly hope that you welcomed the month of March with expectant joy. Much of my morning prayer and devotion was focused in on a mindset of abundance, which reminded me of the “Prayer of Jabez” (cf. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10). I might encourage each of you to utilize this season to grow in that aspect as well.

A couple of announcements.

Tomorrow, 3/2, we will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study @ 9am. We will begin going through Dr. William Bell’s Last Days teaching series.

This Sunday,  3/3 – our evening session of  c3 (Culture Changing Convo’s) is canceled.

Also, this past week there were two published episodes of L.I.F.E. Podcasts. You can listen to those teachings at the following links;

We have begun planning for our upcoming annual Bible conference at The Blue Point Bible Church. This year our theme and conference name is What’s Next: Advancing Preterism. At the following link you will find speakers and other pertinent conference information,

This coming Sunday, we will have a March “Monthly Calendar” available in the bulletin at Worship Service and available on our website.

Please note the attached graphic for our upcoming book study through Beyond Creation Science that will begin Wednesday, March 20th.

I look forward to seeing some, if not all of you, this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. Be sure to invite others to come and think with us on Sundays at 10:30am for Worship Service.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


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