Blessings in Christ,

I pray that you had a week of resting in Him, and in line with our Sunday sermon, you have walked worthy of lashon tov (good speech). In this update I will provide weekly announcements and our corporate praises and prayers as of last Sunday.

First for announcements.

Tomorrow, Friday, 2/22 we will have our 1st BPBC Historical Society meeting. We will have coffee, historical details about The Blue Point Bible Church, and conversation. Considering joining us at 8pm.

Saturday, 2/23, we will continue our Saturday Morning Bible Study through the Epistles of John. This Saturday specifically we enter into examination of 3 John. Join us at 9am.

Also, this Sunday, 2/24, we will have a Planning & Marketing Committee meeting after our Worship Service (reviewing ideas for pamphlet, ad, Saturate inserts, and more), and also a contemporary Worship Night at 6pm.

Lastly, I do hope that you found opportunity to tune in to the L.I.F.E. Podcasts this week. If not, here are the links to 2 of the broadcasts from this week:


I look forward to seeing you all at some point this weekend. May God continue to be glorified through our efforts.

In His Service,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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