Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Well, it sure is getting cold out, prayerfully increasing in fellowship, worship, and application of His Word fills your heart with warmth. I know I am excited to not only see our increase in those things, but so much more this year as we outline through our Annual Meeting last week.

I do have a few resources and announcements to share.

As most of you already know, I have begun doing L.I.F.E. Podcasts at 7am est, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. You can tune in live or listen to the podcasts at the following link,

  • This past week I discussed Cessationism and the Transition of Covenants

Also, this week I produced a podcasted interview with author Mike Bull through MGW Apologetics. The goal of the podcast series is to examine and challenging different paradigms and presuppositions regarding the “last days”. You can listen to that podcast at the following link,–last-days

This weekend we have our Saturday morning Bible study, 2/2, @ 9am. We are continuing our study through the Epistles of John. And, on Sunday, 2/3, I will be sharing a vision, I have marked the day out as “Vision Sunday”. We will also have a Planning & Marketing Committee meeting following our Worship Service.


I look forward to seeing many, most if not all, of you this weekend as we continue to bring forth the manifold wisdom of God.

By His Grace, For Your Edification,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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