Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed week being mindful of the gifts and riches we have in Christ. We talked a bit about those gifts and riches last Sunday, and I look forward to continuing our Celebrate Christ sermon series as we gather this coming Sunday.

I trust you are all aware that this morning’s Bible study, 1/19, has been canceled as I will be attending a Hope Day training event.

A few other announcements to share.

Earlier this week I re-launched MGW Apologetics on Blogtalk Radio. In weeks to come most of my online ministries are being examined and re-developed seeking to be more effective in edifying the saints. You can listen to this week’s podcast at the following link (unfortunately, my guest author Mike Bull wasn’t able to join me) ––last-days

(It is worth mentioning though that there will be an updated podcast with Mike Bull’s responses).

Yesterday, I published a blog called, Could it Be a Coincidence?, wherein I offered some thoughts regarding the advancement of Biblical Preterism. You can read that review, and prayerfully share with those in your circle, at the following link,

Tomorrow, after our Worship Service, it is asked those who serve as Elders and Deacons stay to attend a brief Leadership Committee Meeting.

Also, for all membership and attendees at BPBC, please mark your calendars for Friday, 1/25 @ 7pm is our scheduled BPBC Annual Meeting. I look forward to sharing vision and insights, as well as hearing thoughts from each of you, at that meeting.

I look forward to seeing those God so wills to have gather with us tomorrow. Adult Sunday School at 9am (read Jonah chapters 1-2 and write a short summary), fellowship and coffee at 10am, and Worship Service at 10:30am.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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