Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you truly had a Merry Christmas and are continuing to celebrate all that we have in Christ as we move toward 2019. I sincerely hope that this season and my preaching has encouraged you in gratitude and responsibility toward God and all things.

I have been following the Catholic tradition of the 12 Days of Christmas (much thanks to Deacon Ed Silsbe). Today is the celebration of The Feast of the Holy Innocents (when we remember the children who were killed during the time of King Herod’s hunt for the Messianic Child. Today is also the 4th day of Christmas, “four calling birds” which represent the 4 Gospels. Consider the benefit and blessing of the gift of the Gospels so that we are now able to learn the historical happenings concerning Christ our Lord.

I have a couple announcements and study resources to share.


Tomorrow, 12/29, we will complete our study through Alan Bondar’s book, The Journey Between the Veils, in our 9am Saturday Morning Bible Study. Please consider joining us for this conclusive study.

On Sunday, 12/30, besides our normal Adult Sunday School at 9am, our Worship Service at 10:30am, we will also have our New Year’s Fellowship & Game Night at 6pm. Consider joining us and bringing a small potluck dish to celebrate with.

Lastly, as of yesterday, I published two articles by Mr. Ward Fenley regarding Christmas Bible texts on The Power of Preterism Network’s blogsite. Here are the links to those articles:


I look forward to seeing you all this weekend at one of our gatherings. May you be encouraged and blessed as you continue to celebrate Christ in your life and in our world, and most notable present in and through His Church.

With Blessings and Love,

Pastor Michael Miano


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