Blessings in Christ,

This is surely the season that we are compelled to see the fullness of Christ in us, as we celebrate His incarnational work in the world. I pray that each of your mark out necessary gratitude for Spiritual and material things we have, and therefore challenge yourself to increase in responsibility for and toward those things as we move into 2019.

A few important announcements.

Saturday, 12/22, our morning Bible study is canceled due to some other commitments.

Also, our Adult Sunday School on 12/23 will be canceled in anticipation of our 2 Christmas services to be held that day. Join us at 10am for Fellowship Time and 10:30am Worship Service and/or 6pm for our evening Scripture, song, and candlelight service. Both services will have snacks, hot chocolate, and coffee. Pastor Mike will have a list of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services you may visit with other local churches.

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Also, please remember and plan to join us for our Potluck & Game Night celebration of New Year’s at The Blue Point Bible Church on Sunday, December 30th at 6pm.

This past Wednesday, 12/19, we hosted our 2nd monthly meeting of Reformation NOW at The Blue Point Bible Church. Pastors Michael Miano and Steve Schilling shared details about the incarnational work of Jesus Christ and answered questions of those who had attended. I will share the links, however, unfortunately due to some technical issues, the audio came out a bit strange. Here are the links:

I know I sure would love to share more if any clarification is needed regarding the incarnation of Christ, and I know the same can be said of Pastor Steve, therefore please feel free to ask us questions in person or through email at

In the meantime consider this, Proper Incarnation Theology & Christology highlights that Jesus Christ existed and exists eternally (no beginning or end) and creates a distinction between His many appearances in glory and the purpose of His incarnational work (see, John 1:12; Philippians 2:8; Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 5:7; Hebrews 10:12, 20).

I look forward to seeing you all this weekend. Please keep in mind the cancellations mentioned above.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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