Blessings in Christ our Lord,

Prayerfully, each of you have continued to increase in gratitude and thereby challenge yourselves to truly be continually growing in responsibilities that express that gratitude. I truly believe this to be the fulfillment of not only what we read in 2 Peter chapter 1 (which I make mention of often), but also the express of “Christ in us” (cf. Colossians 1:27).

I published this week’s broadcast of MGW Apologetics on YouTube this morning. Since I had done the show on Facebook Live, I was able to interact with some people and their questions. If you find time, give it a listen. Here is the link,

As for announcements, the following dates and details should be marked out for your edification.

Saturday, 12/15 – We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study. We will be entering into discussion about Chapter

In our Adult Sunday School on Sundays at 9am we are going through a small RBC booklet titled, “I AM The Way”. We have extra copies and will be discussing that this coming Sunday, therefore if you do have a copy and please review.

As I had previously mentioned, this coming Sunday, 12/16, I will be praying about necessary compassion and support for those suffering the effects of addiction. Please consider joining us around the Christmas tree as pray during a candlelit memorial at the St. Ursuline Center at 4pm. (Graphic attached)

Also, this coming Wednesday, 12/19, we will have our monthly Reformation NOW meeting at The Blue Point Bible Church. This months focus will be Incarnation Theology. Pastors Steve Schilling and Michael Miano, both from BPBC, will be offering presentations and responding to questions. Join us at 7:30pm.

I look forward to seeing many, if not all of you at some point this weekend. Join us at 9am for Saturday Morning Bible Study, 9am on Sunday for Adult Sunday School, and 10:30am for our Worship Service, as we continue to express #AThinkingFaith worshipping the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.

In His Service,

Pastor Michael Miano


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