Blessings in Christ Jesus, our Lord,

Prayerfully each of you had a blessed time of fellowship with family and friends, and partook of some good food for Thanksgiving celebrations. I know I kept my many reasons to give thanks in my mind as I went through the day, and kept each of you in thought and prayer as well.

11/24 – Saturday Morning Bible Study is canceled. We had agreed on reading chapter 6 of Alan Bondar’s, The Journey Between the Veils, and returning to study next week have done the reading and able to participate in discussion.

Many of us will be going into the Harriman – Bear Mountains on Saturday. I had sent out an email, and information is posted on a Facebook invite at the following link,

11/25 – Sunday nights C3 session is canceled in an effort to encourage you to enjoy what some have been referring to as a “4 day weekend”.

***Our Worship Committee meeting will be moved from this Sunday, 11/25 to after our Worship Service on Sunday, 12/2.

Also, to spur your interesting in attending our Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study,  email me at and ask for Dr. Don K. Preston;s powerpoint in his debate with 2012 debate with Joel McDurmon pertaining to the “resurrection of the dead”. In our Wednesday evening sessions, we are reviewing Dr. Preston’s 2012 debate with Joel McDermon (author of Jesus vs. Jerusalem).


I look forward to seeing some of you on the hike tomorrow, and if not, prayerfully at Worship Service.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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