Blessings in Christ,

Well, it surely has been a challenging week, however the courage, tenacity, and true fellowship of our congregation at The Blue Point Bible Church is surely encouraging. I continue to have opportunity to tell others of my conviction that the Church will be at the forefront of whatever it is God is trying to offer and lead the world toward. We the Church make known the manifold wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10), we the Church invite the nations to partake of the Tree of Life which produces the healing of the nations (Rev. 22:2), and ultimately, judgement begins with and through the Church (1 Pet. 4:17).

May God continue to be with us and guide us as we manifest His Kingdom.

I’d like to share a few announcements before I share our weekly corporate praises and prayers.

Tomorrow night, Friday, November 16th we will have our Operation Christmas Child “Shoebox Packing Party” at 6pm. We will have coffee and snacks available as well. Please consider joining us in this blessed act of service and fellowship, and maybe consider bringing along a friend.

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am. We are still looking at chapters 5 and 6 of Alan Bondar’s book, The Journey Between the Veils.

This Sunday, November 17th,  we will have a brief Membership Meeting, immediately after service (aiming to conclude by 12:35pm) concerning the recent Blue Point Elementary PTA interaction with our church. Members and attendees with an interest in these matters please join us for clear direction and discussion with the Elders on this topic.

Also, our Thanksgiving Eve service will be on Wednesday, November 21st at 7:30pm. This will be a short time of song, exhortation, and communal thanksgiving that will conclude around 8:25pm.

Also, please consider joining us for our Post-Thanksgiving Hike on Saturday, November 24th on the Appalachian Trail. More details are attached to this email or through our Facebook event page – A Post Thanksgiving Hike.

See the following link,

I look forward to seeing most of you tomorrow night, and prayerfully all of you at some point by Sunday for Worship Service.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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