Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed week, found time to dig our morsels of His Truth from Scripture, and are encouraged to live abundant life in and through Christ Jesus, our Lord. And of course voted in an manner of exercising due diligence as a citizen of the United States of America.


Hopefully at this point you had found time to watch and/or review the video from the Reformation NOW Conference we held on November 1st. Here is the YouTube link for your edification,

Later tonight our Operation Christmas Child “Needs List” will be made available through email and on our church website. Our “packing party” is planned for Friday, November 16th at 6pm. All are welcomed to join us, so please invite family and friends.

Also, most of you received an email regarding Blue Point Elementary PTA’s mention of BPBC on their social media. I have since met with the PTA president and am awaiting further action. However, thank you to those of you who called and made a complaint, and I do still encourage others to call and/or email. It is a part of our church’s constitution that we maintain the high esteem for God’s glory in and through our congregation.

We will have our Saturday Morning Bible Study tomorrow, 11/10 at 9am. We are entering into discussion regarding “paradise” and “heaven” from chapters 5-6 of Alan Bondar’s, The Journey Between the Veil.

As many of you well know, tomorrow night, I will be participating in a public discussion with Mr. Don Johnsen regarding our difference in understanding the “resurrection of the dead”. Consider joining us at 7:30pm at the Henrietta Acampora Recreation Center on Montauk Hwy. in Blue Point. The address is as follows, 39 Montauk Hwy., Blue Point NY 11715


It surely looks like an exciting, informative, and God-glorifying weekend. I look forward to seeing many if not all of you at some point throughout the weekend.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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