

Today – National Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Pakistan: Fassal’s Story

Tonight’s – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – 6pm

Saturate Long Island  –
Blue Point, Bayport, Sayville

Clarity in Revelation Teaching Series – weekly
Find –  The Power of Preterism Network YouTube page

Blue Point Bible Church T- shirts
Established 1865/ #AThinkingFaith
Suggested Donation of $15

Wed., 11/7 – Wednesday Night Bible Study @ 7:30pm
Watching: Dr. Don K. Preston & Joel McDurmon Debate
2012 Preterist Pilgrim Weekend

Sat., 11/10 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ 9am
Chapters 5-6: Discussing Paradise & Heaven
The Journey Between the Veils

Sat., Nov. 10thBayport –  Blue Point Library Blood Drive
Eagle Scout Project
9am – 3pm

Sat., Nov. 10thA Detailed Discussion on the Resurrection of the Dead
Miano/ Johnsen – 7:30pm – 9:30pm – Henrietta Acampora Rec. Center
Blue Point, New York

Operation Christmas Child “Needs List”
* Check your emails tomorrow evening (Monday) *

November 2018 “Monthly Calendars” available in the foyer


Back of Bulletin (Sermon Notes)
to accompany the following sermon,

“and spoke to him out of the tabernacle of the congregation” – Lev. 1:1
(notice the differences of when God speaks and what He is saying)

–              The Lord spoke in the Garden
–              The Lord spoke at the mountain
–              The Lord spoke through the Tabernacle
–              The Lord spoke in and through the Temple
–              The Lord speaks through His Word

A Sweet Smelling Sacrifice
(Lev. 1:9, 13, 17; 2:2, 9, 12; 3:5, 16…4:31; 6:15, 21; 8:21, 28; 17:6; 23:13, 18;
Num. 15:1-11, 14, 24; 18:17; 28:2-8, 13, 24, 27; 29:2, 6-8, 13, 36)

Genesis 8:20-21; Exodus 29:18; Leviticus. 26:31; Ezekiel 20:41;
2 Corinthians. 2:14-16; Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 4:18; Revelation 5:8

3 Offerings listed in Leviticus 1-3
Burnt Offerings (1:3-9, 10-13, 14-17 cf. Lev. 6:8-13; 8:18-21)
Lev. 1:4 cf. Romans 3:23-26
Lev. 1:11 cf. Matthew 27:33
Lev. 1:5 cf. 1 Peter 1:2
Romans 12:1-2

Meat Offerings (2:1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-9, 10-11, 12, 13, 14-16 cf. Lev. 6:14-23; 7:9-10)
Matthew 6:11; John 6:48; Acts 20:32
Lev. 2:1-2 cf. Hebrews 9:14
Lev. 2:13 cf. Matt. 5:13; Colossians 4:6
Luke 1:46-55 (Mary’s Song) cf. Romans 8:26-28

Peace Offering (3:1-6, 7-11, 12-17 cf. Lev. 7:11-34)
Luke 2:11-14; Ephesians 2:14-17; Colossians 1:20

By admin

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