Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, though this week seemed to fly by, I do pray that each of us found time to life up praises from fruitful lips as so desired by our Lord (cf. Hebrews 13:15).

Last night, I interviewed Mr. Mike Bull, a popular author of ‘Moses And The Revelation’ among other books. Unfortunately, my microphone produced my voice as a deep guttural one, yet the interview was edifying so I still want to make it available. Keep an eye out for more videos and interviews through that provided YouTube page. Here is the link to the interview,

Tomorrow, Saturday, 10/13, we will have our Annual BPBC Fall Cleanup from 8am – 1pm. There have been reports of rain, please pray it holds until the late afternoon. However, if it begins early, we will cancel and post-pone the cleanup until Saturday, 10/27. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we will have a bonfire at the conclusion of the cleanup to celebrate the Fall!

On Sunday, 10/14, following our Worship Service we will have our Outreach Committee meeting in the Fellowship Room. Please consider joining us and bring your ideas and willingness as contribution for service in our community.


I look forward to seeing many of you, many of you who are returning from traveling but have been in our thoughts, if not all of you this weekend either at our Fall Cleanup (weather permitting), our Adult Sunday School at 9am, or Worship Service at 10:30am.

May His Blessings be provided throughout your day,


Pastor Michael Miano



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