In our Adult Sunday School at The Blue Point Bible Church we have begun going through discussion regarding the Book of Obadiah. This past Sunday, 9/23 I mentioned a few resources to enhance our study. You will find the links below:

A two-part sermon series by Dr. Kelly Nelson Birks –

A PDF file with contextual details of Obadiah –

Also, I had found an article that made the following remarks on how Obadiah informs our understanding; “Though the book of Obadiah does not contain Messianic predictions that point directly to Christ, the theme of divine judgment against those who persecute God’s people finds its fulfillment in Christ. Jesus himself suffered at the hands of God’s enemies (Acts 2:36), and he predicted that his followers would experience the same affliction (Acts 14:21-22). Yet Christ promised to keep his people in his love during these difficult times (Rom. 8:28-39). When he returns in glory he will judge all those who have stood against himself and his people (Matt. 25; Rev. 19:1-2). Obadiah’s vision of a new order in which God’s people are restored in victory over the nations also finds its fulfillment in Christ. So, as one may readily see, though there are no direct quotations of Obadiah in the New Testament, its message is consistent with it.”

Prayerfully you will keep these resources for review, study through them, and read through the rather short Book of Obadiah before we meet again next Sunday, 9/30

Blessings in Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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