Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Prayerfully this weekly update finds you having a prosperous week, full of praises in His riches. Today is International Day of Peace, so it is surely my prayer that you sought, found, and pursued peace somehow, someway today (whether internal peace or external peace). Ultimately we know, Jesus is our peace (cf. Ephesians 2:14).

This week, I produced a video and written resource this week to follow some discussions we have had about 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and 1 Corinthians chapter 15. Please see the following link,

On Saturday, 9/22, we will be having our Saturday Bible Study at 9am. We will be talking through chapter 2 of Alan Bondar’s book, The Journey Between the Veils.

This Sunday, 9/21, I will share an Outreach Report for our Outreach Committee during our Worship Service. Also, we will be having our Sukkot Potluck Picnic. Please consider bringing a potluck item of your choice. If the weather is appropriate we will be set up outside, otherwise we will be in the BPBC basement.

I look forward to seeing many, if not all, of you at some point this weekend.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

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