Blessings in Christ,

I hope that this week’s update finds you productive and prospering in His true grace. I can testify to the goodness of God thanks to great fellowship with saints and beautiful insights from His Word  all throughout the week. Also, here in the United States we celebrated Patriot’s Day this week, so prayerfully you, as a Christian, took opportunity to offer glimmers of God’s truths to the world around us – through word and deed. As Pastor Steve reminded us regarding God’s blessing in our lives, on Sunday through our Responsive Reading (Psalm chapter 30), “By Your favor you have made my mountain stand strong”.

Two quick announcements I’d like to share are as follows:

This Sunday is National Back to Church Sunday. Please consider inviting friends and family. Visitors get a free copy of ‘Freaked Out by the New Covenant’ or ‘Wicked’. In our Adult Sunday School we will continue talking about the “renewing of the mind” as we studied a bit last week. In our Worship Service we will continue talking about being Saturated and thereby effected by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This week we will focus on unity in the Church and ‘Moving from a Satiated “I” to “Ignited” for the glory of God’.

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This coming Tuesday, 9/18 – some of us have made plans to go to Island 16 to see Unbroken at 9pm. All are invited to join us! I know I am looking forward to the film and the fellowship.

I look forward to seeing some, if not all of you throughout the weekend. Tomorrow, for Saturday Bible Study we will be discussing chapter one of Alan Bondar’s book, The Journey Between the Veils.

With love, care, and grace, given by Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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