Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully each of you had a blessed week, filled with praises, and found time to see the fruit of saturating your life and your surrounds with the truth of Jesus Christ. I read a quote by Billy Graham that truly exemplifies the power of what we have been talking through regarding saturation. He said, “I do not believe that any man, any man, can solve the problems of life without Jesus Christ”.

This past Sunday I challenged us to develop and share our testimony. Write down and talk about what you have seen, heard/learned, and experienced as a follower of Jesus Christ. We talked about negative and positive responses we have to the “wilderness of life”. Maybe you found time to complete part 3 of the Saturate booklet?

A couple of announcements before I move into sharing this weeks corporate praises and prayers.

I did quite a few updates to various ministry’s and websites for those ministries this week. For example, my blog at has become a full webpage where you can gain access to my writings and resources. Also, The Power of Preterism Network (TPPN) is going for a full relaunch on October 31st. Check out the new additions and edits to the website,

I also published a video teaching called ““In Adam”, Narrative Theology, & Corporate/Covenant Context”, which elaborates on some things I had been sharing and discussion in our Satuday and Sunday study sessions. View the video at the following link,

This Saturday, September 8th, 2018 – we will have our Bible Study at 9am. We are currently going through Alan Bondar’s book, The Journey Between the Veils, and will be discussing Chapter 1 this coming Saturday.

And lastly, please be mindful that there will be no Church Luncheon this coming Sunday, 9/9.

I look forward to seeing many, if not all of you, this weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. Also, keep in mind, invite a friend, National Back to Church Sunday is Sunday, September 16th.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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