Greetings Church.

I trust that each of you had a week wherein you considered how blessed we are to be saturated with Living Water. Glory to God! As you can imagine, it was a busy week, setting the precedent for ministry we accomplish in the months ahead. I will share some details throughout this update, as well as our weekly praises and prayers.

This Sunday, a September 2018 “List of Dates” will be given out following our Worship Service. September to December usually tends to be a time of outreach and service so you will find opportunity to get involved in ministry in that capacity during this season.

Today, August 31st is International Overdose Awareness Day. There are many events and efforts happening today, not only across Long Island, but across the nation. We lament for lives lost by addiction, lives trapped, and lift up praises for those who are #AddictionOvercomers. I asked our congregation to remember this in prayer and/or light a candle to memorialize the losses and victories we have seen in fighting addiction.

Saturday, September 1st – Men’s Breakfast at the Blue Point Diner at 7am. I will be bringing some “leadership information” to our meeting as well, for our elders and deacons. If you serve in those roles, please consider bringing ideas of your own to further glorify God through our work at BPBC.

Saturday, September 1st – We are starting a book study through Alan Bondar’s, Journey Between the Veils, during our Saturday Bible study (9am). Purchase a copy (Amazon, etc.), or borrow a copy from the church, but this is a study you surely want to be a part of.

Sunday, September 2nd – we are hosting our first Sunday Morning Experience Committee Meeting. This committee is designed with the purpose to gain other perspectives about how a Sunday morning could and should look at The Blue Point Bible Church. If you have insights or interest in this area, I’ll see you in the Fellowship Room at 8am on Sunday.

Our Sunday evening session, c3, will be canceled this Sunday, 9/2. Prayerfully, each of you will find time to rest and rejoice during this Labor Day Weekend. Surely a perfect time to saturate those around you with the Gospel. 😊

A couple of other things before I share our corporate praises and prayers. Yesterday I typed up a #2 article on “Narrative Soteriology”, you can read that article at the following link,

Also, two ministries that I have worked on and through for some time and being redeveloped and launched in months to come. XD Youth, has now become The XD Movement, and is no longer youth based, but for all ages – those desiring to live and exemplify “extremely different lives”. You can learn more about The XD Movement by visiting,

Reformation NOW is a ministry I developed in Fort Myers, Florida and is about engaging local churches and leaders with the ever-reforming mentality regarding our ministry practice and theology. I am aiming to put together a one-day conference on Thursday, November 1st, to initiate this effort, which will become monthly meetings.  More information coming soon.


I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you this weekend. A lot going on, God is surely glorified. Also, later this evening around 6pm est, I will be offering up a video regarding some “In Adam” details that I have been studying and sharing. The video will be live on Facebook at that time and within an hour after it will be posted on YouTube.

In and By His True Grace,
Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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