
Saturate Long Island  –
Our own raked circles, Blue Point, Bayport, & West Sayville

Disturbing the Peace: A Study Through Some of the Prophets

Clarity in Revelation Teaching Series – weekly
Find –  The Power of Preterism Network YouTube page

Thoughts on Wednesday Nights Praise, Prayer, & Study

Tonight’s – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – 6pm
What is Our Relationship to the Spirit World?

Fri., 8/31 – International Overdose Awareness Day
If you’re not attending an event, maybe light a candle and say a prayer?

Sat., 9/1 – Men’s Breakfast/ Leadership Meeting
7am – Blue Point Diner

Sat., 9/1 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ 9am
Book Study: Journey Between the Veils by Alan Bondar

Sun., 9/2 – Sunday Morning Experience Committee
8am – Before our Adult Sunday School

September 2018 “Monthly Calendars” will be available in the foyer next week

By admin

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