Blessings in our Lord Jesus Christ.

It surely seems like time flies when we experience the beautiful weather. Prayerfully, each of you have taken some time in the last couple of days to enjoy the beauty of the seasons we experience here in New York. An appreciation for the beautiful weather and a good devotional can work wonders in a life prospering in His grace.

A couple of announcements before I detail our weekly corporate praises and prayers.

Tomorrow’s Bible Study, 8/11 is canceled. On Saturday, 8/18 and Saturday, 8/25 we will be doing an in-depth look at the concepts of “free will” and “determinism” for our Bible study. The following link will give you some resources to study to prepare for that study,

Also, keep in mind that we are transitioning our focus in our Sunday mornings. For the past 3 months the emphasis was on “Season of Fire”, allowing us to press in to aspects of God’s love and passion for His people, and the judgement He declares and gives to His people. Prayerfully, you found some challenge and edification during that season. Starting this Sunday, August 12th we are launching into a “Season of Saturation”. While the Exodus (type and antitype) and the connection to the Book of Revelation highlighted our study during the “season of Fire”, during the “season of Saturation” we wander with Israel through the wilderness as the presence of God goes before them, prayerfully finding application of such presence in our lives, to the extent that we see the reality of John 7:38, as our Lord said, “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.” Look forward to an exciting and impactful season of being saturated in and by the Gospel at The Blue Point Bible Church.


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Lastly, later today I will be producing the 2nd video in the “Clarity in Revelation” video series taking place on YouTube. Again remember, simply go to YouTube and put in “The Power of Preterism Network” and through the provided site you will be able to gain access to a host of videos.

I know many of you are vacationing and/or find yourselves busy. Know that you are prayed for every day, namely that God will further bless and inspire our lives that have been knit together for His service and glory.

In & by the grace of God,

Pastor Michael Miano



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