Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed week. The weather has been beautiful, and God’s Word stand’s sure, so…we have a lot to thank Him for. Before I share our weekly praises and prayers, I’d like to highlight some announcements for this week.

After reviewing the online Preterist Pilgrim Weekend 2018 links I have decided we will purchase a copy of the DVD for anyone in our congregation who might want to view those lectures. In the week to come, I will put together an online blog review of the PPW 2018 conference. Also, while at PPW, Mike Ferris and I had put together a video teaching, you can watch that at the following link,


I hope to see some of you tonight, as I offer up wisdom tonight regarding what I see to be a pertinent topic – God’s PAST Judgement. The lecture is at 7:30pm est at The Blue Point Bible Church. The lecture will be recorded and podcasted. You can even listen in LIVE at
(see attached graphic)

We will have our Saturday morning Bible Study on 7/21 at 9am.

Two last things. Please mark your calendars regarding our 5th Sunday Potluck after our BPBC Worship Service on Sunday, July 29th. Bring a dish you LOVE! And…this Sunday I will have a membership/attendee list with contact info, birthdays, and anniversaries for our congregation.

I look forward to seeing some, if not all of you this weekend at some point.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


Image may contain: Michael Miano, smiling

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