Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully this email update finds you having a good week and still thinking through some of the insights I shared this past Sunday regarding God’s presence and His judgement. Surely, it is important to consider the ground upon which we stand (especially consistent with our belief of God being present in and through us). Earlier this week I shared a Facebook LIVE and YouTube video presentation talking about the effect the “Season of Fire” is having on me and some of my work. Visit the following link to watch that video wherein I share some personal insights and speak about God’s work of reformation happening in His Church,

I am excited to launch our first “Worship Night” tonight at 7:30pm. We will meet for about an hour, have plenty of worship songs outline and an environment designed to encourage you to think, meditate, and pray in His presence. A couple of insightful exhortations will be given as well. See the attachment to this email for more about that.

Our weekly corporate praises and prayers are posted on the website under Praises and Prayers. The following link will take you there,

Some important announcements for this weekend as are follows. There will be no Saturday morning Bible Study tomorrow (6/16). Also, this coming Sunday we will have a Father’s Day exhortation on Responsibility. This will be an exhortation that will prayerfully will not only encourage and challenge the fathers among us, but each of us as well. We will have our usual Sunday School at 9am and Worship Service at 10:30am. We will also have our evening discussion group (c3 – Culture Changing Conversations) at 8pm. This week’s question is, “Does God Form Us In All Circumstances?”. You can watch some of the videos if you would like at

I do want to encourage you to mark out the date for our Semi-Annual Meeting. We agreed to the proposed date of Friday, July 6th. For those of you who were not present at this past Sundays service, I explained the last Friday of June was a conflict for me.

I look forward to yet again another insightful and God-glorifying Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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