
Hope Day Volunteers – Thank You!
God was surely glorified!
4 churches – over 800 guests

Worship & Outreach Committee Meeting
After today’s service

Tonight – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – 8pm
How do relationships transform people?

Wed., 6/6 –  Wed. Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study – Canceled.

Sat., 6/9 – Men’s Breakfast
Blue Point Diner @ 7am

Sat., 6/9 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ 9am

There will no Church Luncheon next Sunday (6/10)


TFC Radio –
Blue Point Bible Church @ 8AM on Sundays
Hairy Ticks Variety Show @ 8PM on Tuesdays
Chronicles of Josephus – on demand

 MGW Apologetics & Ministry

June 2018 “Monthly Calendars” available in the foyer

By admin

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