Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully, this week has been inspiring and many of you have examined yourself and recorded some of your hopes as was encouraged last Sunday in the sermon I delivered. With Hope Day right around the corner (this Saturday, June 2nd), each of us should understanding our hope fulfilled and well as our hopes in faith. And as was encouraged on Sunday, each of us should mark out outcomes we are believing God for.

I am just now returning from the Hope Day Rally that was held at Freedom Chapel in Amityville. There was an encouraging exhortation given, and we received our “marching orders”, as well as our Hope Day t-shirts. Please allow me to take a moment to share some instructions regarding participating in Hope Day .  Keep in mind, despite the weather forecast, we are praying mightily, and Hope Day will be RAIN OR SHINE. Please bring appropriate gear such as a raincoat, poncho, umbrella, etc. The address to the event site is 99 Third Ave. Brentwood (Brentwood Recreation Center). Please consider parking at the public library around the corner. Volunteers are encouraged to arrive by 8am, and are asked to stay past 3pm to help with cleanup (you will be rewarded with pizza).

Moving beyond talking about Hope Day, I do want to make mention of the blog I wrote this following Memorial Day regarding virtue. If you had not found time to read the blog, here is the link,

I am looking forward to a rather edifying upcoming “season” at The Blue Point Bible Church. This coming Sunday, June 3rd, we will launch into what I have been referring to as the “Season of Fire”, which will take up our summer time (June – September) focusing on details pertaining to love, passion, and judgement. All the while we continue #ThinkingThruScripture as we move into the Book of Exodus and gain insight into the Exodus- Revelation Connection. Sundays at 10:30am (encourage visitors and attendees to arrive at 10am for coffee and fellowship).

This coming Sunday we will also have a meeting for the Worship Committee and the Outreach Committee following the Worship Service. If you are involved with either of these committees please consider joining us after service in the Fellowship Room. Also, we will have our c3 Sunday Evening Discussions at 8pm. Our question this week is, “How Do Relationships Transform People?”

If I might this portion on updates and announcements by sharing something I boasted about this week from our Sunday evening discussions. This last Sunday’s convo was geared around the question, “What is the future of education?”. It’s safe to say this topic brought up passion and disappointment regarding what is needed and what has been provided. Among the mentions were school safety, lack of morality, lack of religious instruction/ influence, busyness rather than action, and more. In talking about what is necessary and how we can move forward it was impressed upon us to consider how the “local church” and the entire Body of Christ can offer healing and contribution in this area. We talked about the church’s role in helping alleviate college costs, fostering and offering reading clubs, and the necessity of church and family to promote good literacy. We value what we refer to at The Blue Point Bible Church as “A Thinking Faith” and therefore see it as a necessary to play our role in helping educate the masses. Prayerfully you’ll consider joining us one of these Sunday nights.


I look forward to seeing you all either at Hope Day on Saturday or for study and/or worship of Sunday!
9am – Adult Sunday School; 10am – Coffee & Fellowship; 10:30am – Worship Service;
8pm – Culture Changing Conversations


In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael MianoImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

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