Blessings in Christ,

I hope to hear that each of you had a blessed and productive week. Prayerfully, you have continued to think about and praise God for hope (in Sundays sermon I challenged us to mark out at least 3 things we are hoping for). Also, thinking about sharing our One Hope as we look to the outreach of Hope Day happening next week.

In last week’s sermon I made mention of the sermon done by Reverend Michael Curry during the Royal Wedding. I was greatly encouraged by such a beautiful sermon , you can read and/or watch the sermon at the following link,

I have talked about it a bit that I have recently been having some challenging discussions and studies regarding salvation. I typed up a short article detailing some of my thoughts, Some Honesty in Soteriology. The PDF file will be attached to this email. I have also been involved in two specific studies in preparation for some events happening in August 2018. I will be speaking on Revelation chapter 14 at the Michigan Lectures (held at the Lakeshore Church of Christ) which will be held August 3-5, and later in August I will be participating in an online debate with Mr. Joel Sexton regarding the AD 70 judgement of the living. I hope you all look forward to being edified by those resources.

I have been planning work on various different websites we host. In weeks to come The Blue Point Bible Church website
( will be modified and updated. Also, our past conference videos are being uploaded to a YouTube account for The Power of Preterism Network, and more recently my debates have been re-uploaded to

This coming Sunday, May 27th, we will have our 4th Sunday Discussion Group. Prayerfully, most of you will be able to stay and join us. Along with our usual casual conversation, I am looking to bring up some details regarding Hope Day and work within our various Church Committees.

I pray that this Memorial Day weekend affords you opportunity to rest, to see your blessings and freedoms that have been gained through those willing to sacrifice their lives, and to praise our Mighty God for all He has accomplished and continues to do in our world.

Blessings in Christ Jesus, our Lord,

Pastor Michael Miano


File – Just Some Honesty in Soteriology;


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