Blessings in Christ,

I hope to hear that each of you receiving and reading through this update had a blessed and prosperous week, ultimately taking notice of the grace of God in and through our lives.

Earlier this week I produced an article that will come to be a part of a series of articles regarding the details of salvation. The article, Thinking Through A Narrative Soteriology (#1) can be found at the following link,

Quite a few things lined up for the next few months in and through the “Preterist movement”. I have accepted a written and video debate proposal with Mr. Joel Sexton regarding the “judgement of the living” in AD 70. That debate will take place online probably around July. Also, Dr. Preston’s, Preterist Pilgrim Weekend will be July 12-14th. Followed by the Lakeshore Church of Christ Conference on August 2-4th (which I will speaking at on Revelation chapter 14).

Two weekends ago, there was a Preterist conference at Springville Church of Christ in Springville California. I am looking to possibly interview the preacher at the church, Brent Bischel, on next weeks broadcast of the Hairy Ticks Variety Show. In the meantime, they have uploaded the first night of video from that conference, which you can access at the following link,

Our Saturday Bible Study at BPBC is canceled because we will be participating in the Great Brookhaven Cleanup from 9am-1pm. There is an attachment with more information connected to this email.

One last thing, this Sunday, May 20th is being called “Hope Day Sunday” at BPBC. Not only will our message inspire hope and give you a challenge for “Hope Day” (June 2nd), there will be a collected Outreach Offering (all money will go towards our sponsorship of Hope Day), and of course the giveaway from last week’s Mother’s Day raffle basket.

I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you then.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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