
Happy Mother’s Day
Raffles & Flowers

Today – No Church Luncheon

Tonight – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – 8pm
What Is Your Role in Bringing About Hope & Justice for Children in Crisis?

Wed., 5/15- Wed. Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study – Canceled.

Sat., 5/19 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ – Canceled.

Sat., 5/19 – Great Brookhaven Cleanup (9am-1pm)
Meet @ The Blue Point Bible Church

Sun., 5/20 – Hope Day Sunday
Outreach Offering Collection for Hope Day
Hope Day Sign up in foyer!

TFC Radio –
Blue Point Bible Church @ 8AM on Sundays
Hairy Ticks Variety Show @ 8PM on Tuesdays
Chronicles of Josephus – on demand

 MGW Apologetics & Ministry

May 2018 “Monthly Calendar” available in the foyer



How are you, being called to care and to birth virtue in this world?

The Flies & The Honeypot
A number of Flies were attracted to a jar of honey which had been overturned in a housekeeper’s room, and placing their feet in it, ate greedily. Their feet, however, became so smeared with the honey that they could not use their wings, nor release themselves, and were suffocated. Just as they were expiring, they exclaimed, “O foolish creatures that we are, for the sake of a little pleasure we have destroyed ourselves.”


There was a Boy whose name was Jim; His Friends were very good to him. They gave him Tea, and Cakes, and Jam, And slices of delicious Ham, And Chocolate with pink inside, And little Tricycles to ride, And read him Stories through and through, And even took him to the Zoo— But there it was the dreadful Fate Befell him, which I now relate.

You know—at least you ought to know. For I have often told you so— That Children never are allowed To leave their Nurses in a Crowd; Now this was Jim’s especial Foible, He ran away when he was able, And on this inauspicious day He slipped his hand and ran away He hadn’t gone a yard when—Bang! With open Jaws, a Lion sprang, And hungrily began to eat The Boy: beginning at his feet. Now just imagine how it feels When first your toes and then your heels, And then by gradual degrees, Your shins and ankles, calves and knees, Are slowly eaten, bit by bit.

No wonder Jim detested it! No wonder that he shouted “Hi!” The Honest Keeper heard his cry, Though very fat he almost ran To help the little gentleman. “Ponto!” he ordered as he came (For Ponto was the Lion’s name), “Ponto!” he cried, with angry Frown. “Let go, Sir! Down, Sir! Put it down!”

The Lion made a sudden Stop, He let the Dainty Morsel drop, And slunk reluctant to his Cage, Snarling with Disappointed Rage But when he bent him over Jim, The Honest Keeper’s eyes were dim. The Lion having reached his Head, The Miserable Boy was dead!

When Nurse informed his Parents, they Were more Concerned than I can say:— His Mother, as She dried her eyes, Said, “Well—it gives me no surprise, He would not do as he was told!” His Father, who was self-controlled, Bade all the children round attend To James’ miserable end, And always keep a-hold of Nurse For fear of finding something worse.


A Child’s Prayer
God make my life a little light, Within the world to glow,— A tiny flame that burneth bright, Wherever I may go.

God make my life a little flower, That giveth joy to all;— Content to bloom in native bower Although its place be small.

God make my life a little song, That comforteth the sad; That helpeth others to be strong, And makes the singer glad.

God make my life a little staff Whereon the weak may rest,— That so what health and strength I have May serve my neighbor best.

God make my life a little hymn Of tenderness and praise,— Of faith, that never waxeth dim, In all His wondrous ways.


Count That Day Lost
If you sit down at set of sun And count the acts that you have done, And, counting, find One self-denying deed, one word That eased the heart of him who heard,  One glance most kindThat fell like sunshine where it went — you may count that day well spent.

But if, through all the livelong day, You’ve cheered no heart, by yea or nay — If, through it all You’ve nothing done that you can trace That brought the sunshine to one face– No act most small That helped some soul and nothing cost — Then count that day as worse than lost.


By admin

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