Blessings in Christ Jesus,

I sincerely hope that this week has found you blessed and prospering in the goodness and grace of God. How good and gracious our mighty God is. I would like to thank our Elders and congregation at BPBC for the extended grace, support, encouragement and more as I took this past weekend as a sabbatical.

I will not be including our corporate praises and prayers for the past Sunday since I wasn’t there. Please continue in praises and prayers for and with our church and the Church – God is surely glorified through those praises and prayers. I did however off up a “Testimony Tuesday” video on Facebook Live (social media) praising God for the good and glorious things I contemplated during my brief sabbatical.

I look forward to preaching an inspiring message this coming Sunday. As you all may already know, this coming Sunday is Mother’s Day. The message will surely hint at and highlight motherhood; however I trust all will be encouraged through the message and the Word brought forth. Also, we will have small gifts for mothers that are gathered with us.

Other than that my family, I look forward to seeing some of you tomorrow morning for our Saturday Bible study (which we call “Feed My Sheep”) at 9am, and of course our Adult Sunday School at 9am on Sunday, followed by our Worship Service.

With Love & Thanksgiving,
Pastor Michael Miano


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